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How can i interpolate values to create image with desired number of pixels
You've got m and n swapped in the definitions of X and Y. [n,m]=size(log_env); X=linspace(1,m,512); Y=linspace(1,n,512); [Xq...

16 hours ago | 1

| accepted

How can I fill the area under a curve with different colors?
Here's one way: x = 1:100; y = log(x); xb = [1 15 55.5 100]; yb = interp1(x,y,xb); plot(x,y) hold on colors = 'gyr'...

19 hours ago | 0

how do I add the maximum value of arr into arrSorted within the while loop?
while arr > 0 This iterates while all elements of the array arr are greater than zero. If arr contains elements that are less t...

2 days ago | 0

How to choose color in bar graph
The colors appear to change on each run because you're plotting into the same axes (with hold on) each time. It's the same as p...

3 days ago | 0

How can I get a loop within a loop to return a value as a matrix?
B = -0.388; C = -0.026; P = 1.2; T = 305:5:550; R = 8.314; V9 = mvolume9(B,C,P,T,R); disp(V9) function V9 = mvolume9(B,C,...

3 days ago | 0

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How do I pass data between functions in MATLAB App Designer?
load(filename) creates variables in a workspace (i.e., a function's workspace or the base workspace - in this case the workspace...

3 days ago | 1

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Merge multiple matrices with different columns into a single matrix
load cell_test One way: % get the size of each matrix in cell_test(:,1) sz = cellfun(@size,cell_test(:,1),'UniformOutput',fal...

3 days ago | 0

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How to replicate a graph from some data collected using webplot digitiser
Strength_Mpa = [ 20 2880 20 3280 20 3990 1200 2000 1200...

3 days ago | 0

How to read and plot a txt file
filename = 'Data1.txt'; T = readtable(filename) plot(T.(1),T.(2))

3 days ago | 0

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How can I produce a matrix with below condition?
Something like this may be good enough: k = 8; result = [1; rand(k-1,1)]

3 days ago | 1

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contour lines obscured on a surface.
If you only need to see the plot from above (2d, xy view), then you can set Z to zero in the surf call but still use your Z for ...

3 days ago | 0

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secondary x-label not displayed in the figure
I think you need to set the axes' position: % made-up data: lszs = 3; norm_Phi_bR = [1 2]; Entr_eff = [0 0; 1 2]/10; norm_P...

3 days ago | 0

Single legend entry for a line with endpoints.
x=0:90; y=30*cosd(x-30).^6-20; plot(x,y,'-b') hold on x_red = x(26:36); y_red = y(26:36); plot(x_red,y_red,'-ro','MarkerFa...

3 days ago | 1

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readtable error : read all columns into a single column
filename = 'data_20091130.txt'; % detect import options, specifying tab as delimiter: opts = detectImportOptions(filename,'D...

4 days ago | 0

How to Convert data from HEX codes to Numeric
format long g T = readtable('hex codes example.xlsx') T.DecCodes = hex2dec(strrep(T.HexCodes,' ','')) writetable(T,'hex and d...

4 days ago | 1

Shading a delimited area in a contour plot
Maybe something like this. Adapt as needed. E = 23; F = 0:0.01:0.3; K = round(6:0.2:20, 2); [X, Y] = meshgrid(F, K); Re...

4 days ago | 0

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Table formatting problem with cell and array matrix
% inputs pnamesNew ={'*H2';'H2O';'*O2';'H2O(S)';'*OH';'*H';'*O';'HO2';'H2O2';'O3'}; maxFracsNew = [9.6220e-01;8.9880e-01;1.097...

5 days ago | 0

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Reading data from a .data file
readtable with 'FileType' and 'NumHeaderLines' parameters specified may work: % I zipped the example .data file I made, in orde...

5 days ago | 0

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Go around matrices/vectors columns
Here's one way, which is generalized in that it will work for other polygons besides pentagon, but it assumes the vertices are g...

5 days ago | 1

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Help extracting data from 3D matrices
Here's one way: A = cat(3,[1 0; 0 0],[0 2; 0 0],[0 0; 3 0]); v = [2;3]; [m,n,l] = size(A); idx = sub2ind([m,n,l],repelem(1...

5 days ago | 0

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Code to check for open uifigures
This will find all the uifigures you have open and store them in the variable f. Then you can delete them or whatever you want. ...

5 days ago | 0

for loop keeps putting out error
You have defined a variable called size, which means that the next time the code tries to use the built-in size function (i.e., ...

6 days ago | 0

How to create tiledlayout grid in vertical order
Set up variables: n_rows = 3; n_cols = 2; n = n_rows*n_cols; data = (1:n)+zeros(10,1); Default tiledlayout order, for r...

6 days ago | 0

My calculation for respiratory rate shows the same bpm for my 3 waveforms.
You are calculating the average of the inverse of the differences of t, but t is essentially just a vector of all time indices: ...

7 days ago | 0

Detrending data changing matrix size
Do you mean this?,:) = detrend(,:));

7 days ago | 0

How to make all the .tif files with the same size?
min_sz = min(sz,[],1); for ii = 1:N files(ii).data = files(ii).data(1:min_sz(1),1:min_sz(2)); end

7 days ago | 1

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Unable to perform assignment because the left and right sides have a different number of elements. Error in Assignment1Motorbike (line 139)
The culprit is this line: x_rd = vb * diff( sin(Q) ); Q is a scalar, so sin(Q) is a scalar, so diff(sin(Q)) is empty, so x_rd ...

9 days ago | 0

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resize matrix based on indices
input_file = 'logfile_example-30-09-23 .xlsx'; output_file = 'trials_2_5_7_10_only.xlsx'; ids = [2 5 7 10]; id_column = 3; ...

10 days ago | 0

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rename txt file within a specific folder
folder = dir('C:\...\...\...\*.txt'); % file_name = 'test.txt'; final_file_name = 'analysis.txt'; for id = 1 p = folder(...

10 days ago | 0

Matlab divides with the same value in every iteration
You are overwriting the variable y on each iteration of the loop. for i = 2:5 % ... y=x/(pi*D(i)^2./4); % ... e...

10 days ago | 0

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